Sunday, September 23, 2007

Getting a Jump Start on Work-Study Opportunities Can Pay Off

by: Jeff Mictabor

Daily journal writing can be an excellent tool of self-expression and self-discovery for preteens and teens (actually for kids of all ages!). Journal writing helps them to process the myriad of thoughts, feelings, and emotions they experience and becomes an invaluable tool for understanding their many life experiences. It is also an excellent form of creative self-expression.

But, when faced with a journal full of blank lines or with the task of remembering to write each and every day, some youngsters are simply overwhelmed and unmotivated. To help encourage the healthy habit of daily journal writing by your child, check out the following journal writing tips written especially for kids.

Top Ten Journal Writing Tips

1. Silence your inner critic -- It's your journal and your words and if you took the time to write them down then they are valuable, NO MATTER WHAT!

2. Break the rules -- You can break all the rules (grammar and spelling need not matter) or follow them if you prefer. It's your choice! Either way, there is no such thing as right or wrong in journal writing.

3. Go with the flow to express yourself -- Take time to tune in to how you feel. Do you feel like writing a lot or simply feel like writing one word. When you go with the flow your journal writing comes easily and feels good.

4. Pick a special spot to journal -- Choose a place where you feel safe, happy, and secure and where you feel inspired to lose yourself in your journal writing.

5. Go wild with embellishments -- Use stickers, colored pens, magazine pictures, drawings or photos to jazz up your journal. Being creative with your journal will make your writing experience more colorful, exciting, and fun.

6. Keep it simple -- If your journal writing begins to feel like a task you must accomplish, scale back or take a break. Journal writing is much more enjoyable when it feels spontaneous.

7. Discover your writing style -- All the journal writing tips in the world can only guide you, and in the end you must choose your style based on what works best for you. Ask yourself if you like to use only words (no pictures or stickers) or if you prefer to combine writing and drawing. Maybe poetry dominates your journal or maybe your preference is to break all the rules and simply free write.

8. Create a theme journal -- You can create a dream journal, a wish journal or a journal of family, friends and best moments in life. Be creative in choosing themes and if you run out of ideas you can always research new journal writing ideas on the internet.

9. Rule your Kingdom -- Nothing else matters on the pages of your journal but you. Celebrate, vent, accentuate, complain... it's up to you. Just always, always, be kind to yourself as cruelty hurts and makes you sad.

10. Keep it fun and fulfilling -- If it's not fun and fulfilling, chances are you'll quit writing. So keep it fun by giving yourself permission to try new ways of journal writing and keep it fulfilling by focusing on a wide range of topics (not just sad or bad ones, but happy and exhilarating ones as well).

Daily journal writing is a wonderful tool of expression for preteens and teens but they must feel invested in their writing. The best way to get them -- and to keep them -- invested is to encourage the free expression of their uniqueness and creativity. Let the writer choose the journal writing style that best suits their personality and personal tastes.

Fitness and Exercise Guide And Advice

by: Peter Curtis

According to few insulin levels play the largest role in losing weight. Other experts determine that our body type is the key to finding the proper exercises and diet plans that work with the body. To find out your body type you will need to talk to your doctor, or else visit the World Wide Net to find answers to your questions. Other details are available over the Internet that can help you decide on which diet is best for you, as well as which exercises works best with your body.

To achieve a healthier status and maintain weight diet must combine with exercise, since one without the other will not work. Combining healthy provisions with correct exercises can bring you good health and physical fitness, which will enhance your quality of life. It will also help you keep your body’s zone to a level.

The body and mind is complicated, however both work together to produce results. Many experts, including theorists, doctors, scientist, and philosophers are continuing to find answers to the body’s functions.

Some of the confusion comes when people diet, exercise and take care of them self, yet they still gain weight. Barry Sears wrote a compelling book titled A Week in the Zone, which produced some outstanding advice. Some of the information in the book helps us to decide on exercises and diets that suit us best, since insulin plays a large part in healthier living. The author lets us know that the hormones consequence of intakes of carbohydrates and caloric differ from the hormones that produce protein and calories. , he continues letting us know that the effects of hormones that produce fats and calories too differ in the direction of health. (p. 3)

The author brings us to see that a balance is needed, yet the balance is factored by the different hormonal levels. Thus, eating healthy, giving the body proper fluids and exercising is the only answer to living a productive and quality lifestyle.

One of the biggest setbacks that people adhere to is making excuses to avoid dieting and exercise. Countless of people find it easier said than done to stick with diet and exercise programs that facilitates them to remain healthy while maintaining weight.

One of the largest reasons is that most people do not understand their body and its type, or have difficulty adhering to a schedule. One of the largest reasons why this happens is that many people find it difficult to plan, set goals that work, and find solutions that help the person maintain a schedule. The threesome is the ultimate tools for working toward good health and fitness. If you are uncertain of the types of exercises, this too can hold you back. Walking up and down the stairs is an aerobic exercise. Mowing the lawn is another type of exercise. Anytime the body is in motion, producing actions it is exercising. Lifting 12’ ounces of beer is not an exercise. Alcohol if overused will affect the body and mind dramatically.

The Piano - Key, Hammer And String - Part 1

by: Mike Shaw

The piano, while similar in some of its features too many other kinds of musical instruments, differs materially in several important points from all other kinds. It resembles the Violin, Harp, Guitar, Zither, Dulcimer, in its being stringed. It resembles the Drum, Triangle, Cymbals, Tambourine, Dulcimer, in its being dependent on percussion for the production of its tone; and it resembles the Organ, Clarinet, Concertina, in its being keyed.

But it differs from all of these instruments in the following important points. Firstly, in its being dependent on the player's method of finger push on the key for its quality of tone. Secondly, in its being dependent on rapidity of finger push for its quantity of tone and thirdly, in its being dependent on keys for the means of producing percussion. The actual mechanism of percussion, namely, the hammers, being reachable only through the pressing of the keys.

It is probably from a want of appreciation of this last fact, that the piano has come to be considered rather as a keyed instrument than as a stringed one.

The distinctive feature of the piano is, then, the system of its key mechanism.

As the seat of tone, the wire, is made to sound only by a series of communication, starting with the key, it is therefore necessary to understand the method by which this communication is conducted and kept open.

The piano key is, basically, a lever that's lifts the hammer that strikes the string. It is a lever of the first class, its fulcrum, or prop, lying between the power and the weight. In the case of the piano, this fulcrum, or centre on which the lever works, is placed about halfway between its two ends, the hammer (with some small intermediate mechanism) being the weight, and the finger the power acting on it. The very limited area should be noticed within which the action of the key is confined.

The immediate factor of tone is the hammer. The hammer, by means of intermediate mechanism, being in direct and close contact with the far end of the key, is raised when the near end is depressed by the finger or any weight; and the force with which the hammer is made to strike the string is in proportion to the speed brought to bear on the piano key by the finger at the moment of the push. Quantity of tone is thus the result of the amount of speed used in pushing the key down.

When the string has been struck by the hammer, the hammer falls back immediately, to allow the string to vibrate freely. This fallback of the hammer is, however, not a return to the position occupied by it before the stroke; it does not fall completely back until the key is allowed to rise. When the piano key rises, the hammer returns to its original position, and is ready for the next key push.

It is of great importance for the student to remember that the hammer is always at some distance from the wire. Except during the very short period of time spent in striking; that after having struck the wire it leaves it instantaneously to assume the half position described above; and that it is powerless to do any more work until after the key has been allowed to rise.